Our Data Science team at OpenHouse.ai is no joke. When they are not too busy onboarding a client, they are exploring alternative perspectives, or ways we could read our reports.
This week, they called the sales office with some exciting news.
‘We have absolute, unequivocal proof OpenPredict allows home builders to beat the market’.
Three months into OpenHouse, I’m very confident in our AI in construction technology, but I also know that in order for OpenPredict, our 90-day prediction report for a home builder’s demand, to be useful, it requires leadership willing to ‘act’ on the report, respond to the data, and make decisions. Otherwise, you are watching a gimmick.
When Ryan and his team showed me what he discovered, I was excited to say, with the right leader behind the wheel, it was really possible to counteract the market!
So, what does that look like?
Below you will see a chart presenting the past two and a half years of data.
To anonymize the data, we removed the names and volume alongside shuffling the customers and regions to ensure this could be used for such a report.
You will also see a TEAL horizontal line splitting the report, with the left side being the first half of the timeline and the second half on the right side of the timeline.
In the first part to the left, you can see four home builders being led by the market demand. Nothing surprising for those who know what happened in 2021 through 2022 (what a rollercoaster).
As we move into late 2022, something interesting happens. While the blue, green, and purple lines all follow the market, the red line starts to move on its own course with a more consistently rising trend.
We tracked back through our emails, and it was around this time, the customer of ours started to lean into the AI in construction data and drive with OpenPredict supporting their course trajectory.

The red line is more consistent, sustainable volume vs the others being driven by market demand.
In short, we can clearly see OpenPredict allowed them to create more sustainable demand, responding to the market months (three months to be exact) before anyone else could.
Marketing could prepare the right materials for the right strategy.
Sales could price their models ensuring they were selling for above the market but not too high.
Operations could plan ahead, be it ensuring trades were accommodated for, raw material suppliers had been supported before everything went bananas.
OpenPredict empowered the confident leader to make an exponential impact on their business. What’s stopping you?
Ready to see the future?
Book a discovery call with our team and learn how OpenPredict can help you stay ahead of the market.